This has been a troublesome image to get right, and I don’t think I’ve quite managed, but it’s time to put something out there and move on. It’s much easier to convey the right mood shooting from inside with bright sunlight appearing only in spots through open windows or building cracks. The bright sun and colors on the wall seem so alive — truly vibrant in the fullest sense of the word — yet at the same time artificial.
After many many efforts, I dropped any HDR treatment, and the inner hallway disappears altogether into darkness, which helps but does not solve all problems. There is also a large dollop of desaturation, and some additional color slider adjustments.
I’ve presented numerous photos that fit into this category, where I am not quite satisfied but want to put something out there. I think it might make sense to start going back to some of the older ones and trying a second attempt at creating something truly worthwhile.
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Anthony Camilletti, Sr.
18 Mar 2013As I said above, your work is truly spectacular.
Anthony M Camilletti Sr.
18 Mar 2013Mark, your work is spectacular. That’s from an old coot who is 84 years old, probably before your parents were born. I was into photography upto my eyeballs and as I said your work is spectacular.