Mesa Arch – Late Dawn, Pre-Sunrise

Mesa Arch

I remember standing there and firing off brackets every 20-30 seconds for a long while. At one point I figured we must be done as there had been so many varieties of great light, but nobody else was moving. Eventually the sun rose just over the ridge on the left, and real magic happened — and if you want see some of that magic check out Mike Criswell’s ย post yesterday. Eventually I will post an image from that magic moment, but the view while waiting was pretty awesome also.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. What a rough spot to view a sunrise. I seriously feel bad for you. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Spectacular shot, Mark! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Erin Duke recently posted..McLeod PlantationMy Profile

  2. I can only imagine. Every shot you guys share is spectacular, and this one is right up there! Love the predawn tones!

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