Art & Storage on the High Line

Art and Storage 

This is a shot taken on the High Line where it crosses under what is now Chelsea Market and the Food Network Headquarters.  I presume it originally acted as a loading platform when the High Line was a working railroad and the building had some industrial use as a warehouse or factory.  The windows appear to be old discolored thick glass – the translucent kind designed to allow light to pass through but not allow visibility.    Then, maybe, you notice the plaque, which indicates that they are an art installation by Spencer Finch called “The River That Flows Both Ways.”  Click on the link to learn about the piece and its inspiration.

I find it interesting and a bit amusing that somebody decided this is a good place to put some outdoor storage lockers.  You can see they are not present in the photos on the linked page, so they weren’t there originally when the art piece was first installed.

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